Haraaz Coffee



Haraaz Coffee:

We, Haraaz Coffee, work as one connected family throughout coffee production stages; from seedling to the finest cup of coffee. Haraaz Coffee represents the original story of a native Yemeni tree with the best quality. Since a couple of centuries, coffee farming has been a family profession, and we continue to take responsibility of preserving its originality generation after another.
In 2016, we established a company, named Al – Emadi for Trading & Exports, to work institutionally in the development of coffee cultivation in high mountains of East Haraaz, which is located 100 KM from Sana‘a, the capital of the Republic of Yemen. Alemadi was, and still is, aimed to enrich the coffee culture in Yemen, re-introduce genuine Yemeni coffee and grow its share of markets globally.
We pay careful attention and care for the quality of coffee from the seed to the cup, using modern methods and processes in coffee farming; cultivation, picking , drying , hulling , sorting , grinding and packaging, thus providing the finest types of coffee.

Our Vision:

Haraaz Coffee seeks to be the leader in the cultivation and reviving of the culture , glory and genuineness of Yemeni coffee to all areas in Yemen as well as to be in every Yemeni home…
We are striving with all Yemeni farmers to cultivate " the Green Gold"- as we like to name coffee, and to make it our ambassador to the world to deliver Yemeni history and thousands of years of civilization, through production , distribution ,marketing and exporting.
Yemeni Haraaz coffee is truly outstanding specialty coffee in accordance with international standards and opinions of many coffee experts and gourmets around the world .

Our Mission:

To promote and revive the cultivation of Yemeni coffee and develop its culture on local and international levels as being a national vision and identity which carries the love of homeland, in order to bring the story back to its origin; the origin of story of the Yemeni coffee .




Coffee & Craft:

It takes many hands to craft the perfect cup of coffee – from the farmers who tend to the red-ripe coffee cherries, to the master roasters who coax the best from every bean, and to the barista who serves it with care.
We are committed to the highest standards of quality and service, embracing our heritage while innovating to create new experiences to savor.